Monthly Nutrition Workshops

Knowledge is power and so is fueling your body correctly!

Monthly Nutrition Workshops

Nutrition for health is putting our gut health first. This month we'll be talking all about Carbs! 


There is so much misinformation out there. Are carbs as bad as they seem? How much, what type, when? 


Come and get your questions answered. Our Nutrition Workshops are open discussions that cover the science behind what we should be eating plus tips to help us get there. No question is a silly question! Come meet other Barcelona expats who at all different stages in their health journeys. 


Each month Attika holds this free event for anyone to join. Member or not, knowledge is power and so is fueling your body correctly. 


Our Monthly Nutrition Workshops take place the last Tuesday of every month. The March Workshop will therefore take place on the 26th 20:00-21:30


Reserve your spot to guarantee a space. 


We hope to see you there!

InBody measurements are an accurate body composition reading tool to help us see your quantifiable progress of your personal goals you and your trainer have defined together.

We will be able to track:
  • Analysis of body composition – muscle, body fat, water retention
  • Comparison analysis for upper/lower body and left/right side balance
  • Setting specific health goals
  • Tracking and comparing your progress with previous measurements

At Attika our priority is your health. We have met plenty of people with six packs that are totally miserable and unhealthy. Having a six pack can be a side effect of healthy habits and of course we can help you to get there, if you wish to do so. However, our priority is creating healthy mindset and habits towards becoming a better human, feeling good in your own skin, and having energy to keep going. The looks are a bonus 🙂

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