At our core, we are all humans, we are all Attika!
Events, news and more ...

What is Breathwork?

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a powerful practice that uses our breath to enter an altered state of consciousness, allowing us to tap into deeper layers of our mind and body. But HOW? At ATTIKA, we incorporate techniques by various scientists and breathwork professionals to heighten the experience, enhance the benefits and leave you feeling great.

Breath and Balance: The Neuroscience of Calming Your Body and Mind

Breath and Balance: The Neuroscience of Calming Your Body and Mind

Let´s explore how our nervous system and practising intentional breathing can transform our lives and way we express ourselves, managing our emotions better, being kinder and more compassionate not to just to others, but to ourselves. Feeling safe in our bodies is essential for healing, recovery, and growth. Let´s dive into it.

Stop breathing through your mouth

Stop breathing through your mouth

Breathing through your mouth in workouts? Mouth breathing is associated with health risks. In this article, we dive into the amazing benefits of nose breathing and how you can train to breathe better through your nose!

Why is everyone talking about 'Full Range of Motion?'

Why is everyone talking about 'Full Range of Motion?'

Are you moving your body to its full potential? Full range of motion is all the rage because it follows the simple concept of 'if you don't use it, you lose it'. Read on for more guidance on how to make sure you use your moving effectively to limit stiffness, weakness or injury.

How to Stay Balanced Over the Holidays

How to Stay Balanced Over the Holidays

Worried about maintaining your health during the holidays? Our founder, Teo and nutritionist, Fanni have put together these few tips to help you stay on track while enjoying the festive season. Learn how to savour your meals, stay active, and keep your favourite healthy habits intact

How to not lose progress over the holidays

How to not lose progress over the holidays

While the holiday season is a magical time to connect with loved ones, it’s easy to feel a little anxious about staying on track with your health and fitness goals. Well, the holidays don’t have to derail your progress! Here are a few tips to help you maintain your momentum while fully enjoying the holiday season:

Christmas Class Schedule

Christmas Class Schedule

Consistency is not the only necessary element for results. So is balance. That’s why, we’re shutting our doors over the important days, reducing the schedule ever so slightly and making sure to keep enough on so you don’t miss out. Read on to find out the Christmas/NYE schedule for the two weeks surrounding Christmas.



BLACK FRIDAY IS HERE! For this weekend only, checkout the discounted packages on our Classes, Personal Training and Nutrition with Fanni!

A guide to box breathing

A guide to box breathing

Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or struggling to sleep? Box breathing might be the simple solution you need. This powerful, science-backed breathing technique calms your nervous system, reduces stress, and helps you take control of your emotions in just a few minutes a day. With instruction for both beginners and more advanced conscious breathers, this guide breaks down everything you need to kn...

The Truth about Stress

The Truth about Stress

A podcast that highlights the effects of stress on the body and the scientifically proven methods to get your health back! Stress is an epidemic. Whilst we can't control some aspects of our lifestyle, Dr Tara Swart shares how we can add things to our lives to reduce cortisol levels and leave us feeling and moving better.

What's On

InBody measurements are an accurate body composition reading tool to help us see your quantifiable progress of your personal goals you and your trainer have defined together.

We will be able to track:
  • Analysis of body composition – muscle, body fat, water retention
  • Comparison analysis for upper/lower body and left/right side balance
  • Setting specific health goals
  • Tracking and comparing your progress with previous measurements

At Attika our priority is your health. We have met plenty of people with six packs that are totally miserable and unhealthy. Having a six pack can be a side effect of healthy habits and of course we can help you to get there, if you wish to do so. However, our priority is creating healthy mindset and habits towards becoming a better human, feeling good in your own skin, and having energy to keep going. The looks are a bonus 🙂

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